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The latest chapters from the Phaseform story

Jan 21, 2021
Cascading DPPs for extended range and fidelity
We are very happy to announce that our recent paper: "Cascading optofluidic phase modulators for performance enhancement in refractive...

Jul 10, 2020
IMTEK-spinoff Phaseform GmbH founded
Phaseform GmbH was founded as the official spin-off of the EXIST transfer of research project to commercialize development work in the...

Apr 20, 2020
DPP technology enables larger FoV for wide-field microscopy
Our team has published a new paper in OSA's journal of "Applied Optics", demonstrating a novel method for extending the correctable FoV...

Mar 20, 2020
World's smallest AO fluorescence microscope using DPP technology
In an article in Optics Express, we describe a simple practical application of our Deformable Phase Plate: a miniaturized fluorescence...

Mar 1, 2020
Project start of EXIST transfer of research
Together with the European Social Fund, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is co-financing our EXIST...

Feb 20, 2020
Combining deformable mirrors and DPPs for multi-conjugate AO
Our colleagues from the Dynamic Optics and Photonics Group at the University of Oxford, UK presented their first results using our...

Nov 14, 2019
Team obtains funding to commercialize optofluidic AO prototype
With a successful pitch in front of an international jury of experts, the team has secured the EXIST transfer of research funding! The...

Oct 21, 2019
Team presents prototype at AOIM XII in Delft
The team presented our technology and latest developments at the International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine...
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